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来源:学大教育     时间:2014-05-21 15:39:15


1. 我很少看到这样漂亮的狗。

Seldom/Rarely had I seen such a beautiful dog.

2. 我们不但丢了所有的钱,还几乎丢掉性命。

Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives.

3. 昨天我才知道发生了什么事。

Only yesterday did I realize what was going on.

Not until yesterday did I came to know what happened.

4. 我从来没见过对政府如此多的抗议。

Never have I seen so much protest against the government.

5. 人类历史上从来没有如此依赖过矿物燃料,也从未对环境造成过如此严重的污染。

Never before in human history had people depended on fossil fuels so much and polluted the environment so severely.

6. 他几乎不了解这个会议的重要性。

Little does he realize the importance of the meeting.

7. 一年以后我才开始看到自己工作的成果。

Only after a year did I begin to see the results of my work.

Not until a year later did I come to see my achievement in my work.

8. 只有到那时,我才充分理解了父亲讲的话。

Only then did I fully understand what my father said.

Not until then did I fully understand my father’s words.

9. 阶梯上坐着一个小女孩。

On the steps/stairs is/was sitting a little girl.

10. 我们在任何情况下决不首先使用核武器。

Under no circumstances/In no case will we be the first to use nuclear weapons.

11. 我刚到办公室就有一个问题需要处理。

Hardly had I arrived at my office when I had to cope with a problem.

12. 在他们面前的小山丘上耸立着一座美丽的城堡。

On a hill in front of them stood a beautiful castle.

13. 中国人民用洋油的日子一去不复返了。

Gone forever are/were the days when the Chinese had to use foreign/imported oil.

14. 他是一个篮球迷,我也是。

He is a basketball fan. So am I.

15. 男孩游不到河的对岸,他哥哥也不行。

The boy cannot swim across the river. Neither/Nor can his elder brother.


Had I known the trend then, I would have invested all my money in real estate


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